Via Croce, 26
35011 Campodarsego
Padova - Italy
T 049 5564422
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Robotic tank
cleaning system - truck solution

This no-man entry solution is developed by Gerotto for a robotic tank cleaning in ATEX zone 0. It needs to be connected to a vacuum truck for remove material – especially white oil and crude oil – in refineries and industrial plants. 

The complete equipment can be stored in two 10-ft certified containers, one placed in ATEX zone 1 and one in a safe area, or the whole system is placed in a 20-ft ATEX zone 1 certified container.

20ft container

The system with 1×20-ft container certified for ATEX zone 1 (II 1/2/- G Ex h IIB T4 Ga/Gb/-) contains all the equipment needed for no-man entry tank cleaning. Inside the container you will have tree different internal compartments which stores the power unit, the control room, the robots, umbilical, ramps. The solution can be composed by:

  • Several robots certified for ATEX zone 0 (II 1G Ex h IIB T4 Ga) are available: Lombrico S Ex-0, Lombrico XXS Ex-0, Lombrico XT Ex-0, Lombrico X FTC Ex-0.
  • ATEX zone 0 cameras and lights system.
  • Customizable robot accessories: augers, nozzles, tracks, etc.
  • Control room with ATEX zone 1 monitor and joysticks for remote control.
  • Diesel or Electrical Power Unit.
Lombrico S EX-0
Robot certificato ATEX e IECEx Zona 0 per la pulizia di cisterne all'interno di raffinerie e tank terminals.
Gerotto Trucks
Un sistema CCTV ATEX e IECEx composto di telecamere, led, monitor per una completo controllo da remoto dei robot.
Unità di controllo
Unità di potenza

2 x 10ft containers

  • 1 10-ft container positioned in ATEX zone 1 (II 1/2/- G Ex h IIB T4 Ga/Gb/-) with the Control Room. 
  • 1 10-ft container positioned in safe zone with the Power Unit.

The system with the two 10-ft containers has all the equipment needed for tank cleaning:

  • Several robots certified for ATEX zone 0 (II 1G Ex h IIB T4 Ga) are available: Lombrico S Ex-0, Lombrico XXS Ex-0, Lombrico XT Ex-0, Lombrico X FTC Ex-0.
  • ATEX zone 0 cameras and light system.
  • Customizable robot accessories: augers, nozzles, tracks, etc.
  • Control room with ATEX zone 1 monitor.
  • Diesel or Electrical Power Unit.
Lombrico S EX-0
Robot certificato ATEX e IECEx Zona 0 per la pulizia di cisterne all'interno di raffinerie e tank terminals.
Gerotto Trucks
Un sistema CCTV ATEX e IECEx composto di telecamere, led, monitor per una completo controllo da remoto dei robot.
Unità di controllo
Unità di potenza
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Lombrico S Ex-0

ATEX and IECEx Zone 0 certified robot for cleaning tanks inside refineries and tank terminals.


Lombrico X FTC Ex-0

Atex Zone 0 certified robot specific for cleaning underground diesel tanks.

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