Via Croce, 26
35011 Campodarsego
Padova - Italy
T 049 5564422
F 049 5564784

Gerotto solutions

Robotic tank
cleaning system
- pump​ solution

Gerotto developed an innovative solution for white and crude oil tank cleaning. It is a system that uses an Atex Zone 0 Robot and an external screw pump that pumps the material without using a vacuum truck.

The complete equipment can be stored in two 10-ft containers – one placed in ATEX zone 1 and one in a safe area – or the whole system is placed in a 20-ft container.

20ft container

The system with 1 20-ft container certified for ATEX zone 1 (II 1/2/- G Ex h IIB T4 Ga/Gb/-) contains all the equipment needed for tank cleaning:

  • Different robots certified for ATEX zone 0 (II 1G Ex h IIB T4 Ga) are available: Lombrico S Ex-0, Lombrico XXS Ex-0, Lombrico XT Ex-0, Lombrico X FTC Ex-0.
  • ATEX zone 0 cameras and lights system.
  • Customizable robot accessories: augers, nozzles, tracks, etc.
  • The screw pump certified for ATEX zone 1.
  • Control room with ATEX zone 1 monitors.
  • Diesel and Electrical Power Unit.
Lombrico S EX-0
Robot certificato Atex Zona 0 per la pulizia di cisterne all'interno di raffinerie e tank terminals.
Pompa Monovite Atex Zona 1
Pompa monovite per rimozione di fluidi viscosi
Unità di controllo
Unità di potenza

2 x 10ft containers

  • 1 10-ft container positioned in ATEX zone 1 (II 1/2/- G Ex h IIB T4 Ga/Gb/-) with the Control Room.
  • 1 10-ft container positioned in safe zone with the Power Unit.

The system with the two 10-ft containers has all the equipment needed for tank cleaning:

  • Several robots certified for ATEX zone 0 (II 1G Ex h IIB T4 Ga) are available: Lombrico S Ex-0, Lombrico XXS Ex-0, Lombrico XT Ex-0, Lombrico X FTC Ex-0.
  • ATEX zone 0 cameras and lights system.
  • Customizable robot accessories: augers, nozzles, tracks, etc.
  • The screw pump certified for ATEX zone 1.
  • Control room with ATEX zone 1 monitor.
  • Power unit.
Lombrico S EX-0
Robot certificato Atex Zona 0 per la pulizia di cisterne all'interno di raffinerie e tank terminals.
Pompa Monovite Atex Zona 1
Pompa monovite per rimozione di fluidi viscosi
Unità di controllo
Unità di potenza
Related products

Lombrico S Ex-0

Atex Zone 0 certified robot for cleaning tanks inside refineries and tank terminals.


Lombrico XXS Ex-0

Compact robot certified Atex Zone 0 for industrial reclamation


Lombrico X FTC Ex-0

Atex Zone 0 certified robot specific for cleaning underground diesel tanks.

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