Via Croce, 26
35011 Campodarsego
Padova - Italy
T 049 5564422
F 049 5564784

Robotic tank cleaning solutions

Since 2013, our research and development department has been engineering solutions to safely clean hazardous areas with ATEX zone 0 certified robotic systems

Customized systems that ensure effective and totally safe operations in ATEX zone 0


With more than 20 years of established know-how in robotic field and an in-house research and development department, in 2013 the company has introduced a customizable ATEX-certified solution that can be installed inside a 20-ft container or two 10-ft containers. Each element-the robot, the control room and the power unit-is certified to ensure the highest safety standards to perform at its very best in refineries, chemical and petrochemical plants.

Robotic tank cleaning system - pump solution

The tank cleaning solution is developed to fit various customizable configurations that allow remote operations via control room, storage of the robot and its accessories, umbilical, and power unit.

The robot in ATEX zone 0 is connected to the screw pump located in ATEX zone 1 to pump the material.

Robotic tank cleaning system - truck solution

The tank cleaning solution is developed to fit various customizable configurations that allow remote operations via control room, storage of the robot and its accessories, umbilical, and power unit.

The robot in ATEX zone 0 is connected to a truck for pumping material.

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    Distributori: Gerotto Robotics

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