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Gerotto on Tanks & Terminals

The Gerotto team explains the benefits of a technological approach to industrial cleaning with Mini Excavator robots.

Gerotto has always made No Man Entry its business philosophy, particularly in areas related to cleaning in confined and hazardous spaces. But why does this approach work?

In our long experience in such a fascinating and complex area, we have learned that first and foremost it is essential to preserve the safety of the operators; those people who, unfortunately still today, continue to be exposed to the risks of ATEX zones. These are particularly dangerous areas due to toxic fumes, risks of deflagration or cramped spaces where oxygen is lacking.

With a view to preserving safety for people first and foremost, Gerotto federico S.r.l. has published in Tanks & Terminals magazine a clear analysis of the problem and recounted the method that sets it apart in addressing the needs of those who must thoroughly clean hazardous environments every day.

Discover in detail the features of the Gerotto Method in industrial cleaning by downloading the Tanks & Terminals article.



Le migliori soluzioni per la manutenzione industriale, la pulizia di serbatoi di stoccaggio, tubazioni, spazi confinati, zone Atex e ambienti subacquei.

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