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Squeege Tool

The accessory designed by Gerotto for the concluding cleaning of work areas after the Lombrico S, XXS and S EX-0 Mini Excavator robots.

When it is necessary to clean up the work area in a more capillary way, after an industrial cleaning operation with Gerotto’s Lombrico series Mini Excavator robots (Lombrico S, Lombrico XXS and Lombrico S EX-0) the Squeege tool accessory is undoubtedly the most suitable tool.

Its two side wings, which are adjustable in both length and angle, push the crushed material from the auger toward the robot’s suction tube, thus facilitating its removal.

Squeege tool can be used in combination with many of Gerotto’s other water tools, such as High Pressure Low Flow Water Nozzles and Aggressive Water Nozzle for Lombrico S, which fluidize the sediment and simplify the final suction job.



Le migliori soluzioni per la manutenzione industriale, la pulizia di serbatoi di stoccaggio, tubazioni, spazi confinati, zone Atex e ambienti subacquei.

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