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Gerotto joins European Water Jetting Institute

The prestigious European Water Jetting Institute, a non-profit association of European reference for the application of ultra-high pressure water jetting systems, has chosen Gerotto Federico S.rl. as a new member of its team.

Seeking confrontation with professionals in our field is what makes us grow humanly as well as professionally. All the more when it comes to an international reality such as theEuropean Water Jetting Institute, a nonprofit organization established with the aim of integrating knowledge in the field of water jetting (technologies operating with very high pressure water jet) in order to increase innovation, safety and quality in this sector.

To have become new members of this important network, fills us with pride and spurs us to do our part by sharing our know-how.

We will keep you updated in the coming months on how we will actively contribute to the association’s discussions.

For more information about the EWJI click below.



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