Via Croce, 26
35011 Campodarsego
Padova - Italy
T 049 5564422
F 049 5564784
01_power units for robotic cleaning solutions


Power units

A cross-sectional range of hydraulic, diesel and electric power units with different powers and sizes to have everything needed in every type of application and industry.

Power unit

Standard Diesel Power Unit

Available with different power ratings, from 7.5hp up to 50hp, they are skid-mounted power packs, thus easily transportable, that can power robots up to 125 [mt] away.
Related products:

Lombrico S
Lombrico XXS
Lombrico XT
Lombrico S EX 0
Lombrico XXS EX 0
Lombrico XT EX 0 
Lombrico FTC EX 0
Gatto RC
Gatto MoB
The Bull
Mini Bull

1_01_power units for robotic cleaning solutions
1_01_electric power units - Gerotto
Power unit

Electrical power unit

Power packs ranging from 4kW up to 15kW. Larger models have adjustable oil pressure and oil pump with variable flow 25-30 [lt/min]/6.6-9.3 [gpm], for the Midi model, and 45-60 [lt/min]/12-16 [gpm] for the Maxi model. Easily transportable with lifting hooks and forklift brackets, they use an oil cooling system for cold and tropical climates (-15°C/+50°C). Related products:

Lombrico S
Lombrico XXS
Lombrico XT
Lombrico S EX 0
Lombrico XXS EX 0 Lombrico XT EX 0
Lombrico FTC EX 0
Gatto RC
Gatto MoB
The Bull
Mini Bull

Power unit

10-foot container

A compact, modular unit to be combined with the twin control unit on a 10-foot container. Having two separate containers simplifies site logistics while maintaining high safety standards for operators.
Related products:

Lombrico S EX 0
Lombrico XXS EX 0
Lombrico XT EX 0
Lombrico FTC EX 0

3_power units 10 foot container - Gerotto
4_power unit 20 foot container 3
Power unit

20-foot container

Complete system certified Atex zone 1 II 1/2/- G Ex h IIB T4 Ga/Gb/-). Inside can be housed all Gerotto hydraulic power packs, even those not Atex, and all additional components such as ramps, reels, front accessories (augers, squeegees, suction nozzles, etc.). An all-in-one solution for the most challenging applications.
Related products:

Lombrico S EX 0
Lombrico XXS EX 0
Lombrico XT EX 0
Lombrico FTC EX 0

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    0_gerotto distributos worldwide 1

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