Via Croce, 26
35011 Campodarsego
Padova - Italy
T 049 5564422
F 049 5564784

Gerotto Robotics

Smart Service Kit

System for remote technical assistance and training. Thanks to smart glasses it is possible to view and interact in real time with images, save files, show data sheets. The operator has his hands free from other devices so he can concentrate 100% on his work.

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No man entry Robot for removing sludge inside tanks and pipes.


Lombrico S Ex-0

ATEX and IECEx Zone 0 certified robot for cleaning tanks inside refineries and tank terminals.


Lombrico XT

Compact and narrow industrial cleaning robot for sludge removal.


Lombrico XT Ex-0

Atex Zone 0 certified robot for the removal of sludge and materials inside storage tank.


Lombrico XXS

Small industrial cleaning no man entry robot for sludge removal in confined spaces


Lombrico XXS Ex-0

Compact robot certified ATEX and IECEx Zone 0 for industrial reclamation


Mini Bull

Underwater robot with centrifugal pump mounted on board.


The Bull

Underwater robot with dredging pump mounted on board.


Gatto MoB

Robotic Digger with hydraulic arm and controls mounted on board.


Gatto RC

Remotely controlled robotic digger equipped with hydraulic arm.

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