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Alessandro Gerotto is the new president of ANCE Padua

Alessandro Gerotto is officially the new president of the regional section of ANCE Padova (National Association of Building Contractors).

ANCE is a organization that groups Italian industrial building contractors and, in the context of the Veneto Region, is made up of provincial territorial organizations such as the College of Building Constructors of Padua, of which, as of today, Alessandro Gerotto has been proclaimed President.

Beginning with the protection and representation of the professional interests of the category, ANCE Padua is responsible for:

– managing relations with institutions, regional administrations, political and trade union organizations;

– promoting and implementing business initiatives related to the development of the category (in the areas of tax, corporate, economic, safety, technology and environment);

– provide assistance and strategic advice to enterprises.

ANCE Padua now represents big Paduan companies operating in the infrastructure sector nationwide, as well as small and medium-sized companies operating in the Northeast in the field of civil, road and industrial construction.

This is a complex but extremely challenging task that Alessandro has chosen to tackle with determination and a great desire for innovation, so that the category is represented at its best and can aspire to ever new goals.



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